Peter Frøslev Christensen
Peter has thorough theoretical and empirical knowledge of ‘development economics’ and political science in developing countries, especially in relation to monitoring, evaluation, political economy, trade, governance and formulation of sector-wide policy reform programmes (notably within private sector development, decentralisation, education and agriculture). He has also worked with civil society organisations both in fragile states societies and in more mainstream development contexts, providing valuable assistance in leveraging their capacities and strategic advantages. He has extensive management and review experience, gained primarily in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe/CIS. Peter has team leader experience from numerous missions and evaluations.
For two years he worked at the European Commission’s Delegation to India, Nepal and Bhutan with responsibilities for several large-scale sector programmes in Bhutan (esp. agriculture and environment) and Nepal (esp. education). During that period Peter was also responsible for drafting the EC’s Country Strategy Paper for Bhutan. Other long term assignments include work in Tanzania for Danida’s Rural Water Supply Programme. He has taken a Master’s degree in Development Studies with highest possible distinction. Furthermore he has studied development economics and political science at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.